Despite DUI and Surgery, Gwinnett County Jury Still Finds for Defense
On August 27 and 28, 2018, Jonathan M. Adelman obtained a defense verdict on behalf of his client, who admitted fault for a motor vehicle collision. At the time of the accident, the defendant was intoxicated. She was arrested for, and pled guilty to, DUI. The accident involved a significant impact, totaling plaintiff’s vehicle. Plaintiff claimed a knee injury consisting of a non-displaced tibia plateau fracture and a meniscal tear. She underwent one surgery, and her surgeon recommended a second surgery. Plaintiff claimed past and future healthcare expenses in the amount of $55,000, lost wages in the amount of $16,000, and punitive damages. Prior to trial, the lowest demand was $150,000. Defendant’s pre-trial offer, through her insurance company, was $80,000. The verdict, which came after 45 minutes of deliberations, was influence by the repeated impeachment of the plaintiff during cross-examination.